Harnessing Your Trading Personality and Financial DNA

Your trading personality can explain some of your success and frustrations when trading the financial markets. Learn how to harness […]
Ego vs Money: Long-Term Investing and Buying Shares

As traders, focusing on protecting our money, not our ego, is pivotal if we want to win the game of money.
The Stock Market VS. The Economy

The Stock Market VS. The Economy. Despite fears of an economic downturn amidst the almighty coronavirus, the stock market has […]
Trading Headline To Headline

Trading Headline To Headline: The effect that fake news through mainstream media is having on people’s investment decisions has reached […]
Leaving The Yield Desert

Leaving the yield desert: As the big 4 banks in Australia are reporting their half-yearly earnings, Australia’s dividend investors are […]
Oil Tanks to Negative Prices

For the first time ever, one of our most globally valued physical commodities has fallen into negative prices. As cars […]
How to Separate Your Emotions From Your Trading

As most traders focus purely on the technical mechanics of their investments, their emotions can often creep up on them […]
Coronavirus is The Biggest Money Making Opportunity of The Decade

For those people who are looking to accelerate their trading ability – we highly suggest you read the following. […]
Day Trading – A Way to Get Rich in Your Underpants or Die Trying

Day trading: The idea of making quick, easy money from the comfort of your bedroom through day trading has lured […]
Crash, Correction, or Pullback – Coronavirus Truths Revealed

Market Crash: The Coronavirus has pushed financial markets into unprecedented, uncharted territories. So how you determine whether this’s a crash, […]