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The Wealth Playbook

As an avid reader himself, Andrew Baxter has recently produced a book of his own. Join us this week as we have a look at some of the major topics and offer a sneak peek into what you could get out of it:



Host Andrew Baxter’s focus over the last few decades has been to educate and help every day people learn to navigate financial markets. He points out however, that building a trading account over time is only one component of achieving financial freedom. The book that has recently been published provides a more well-rounded guide on succeeding financially, touching on the broad array of different areas people need to focus on to make sure they’re getting the most out of the money they have as well as what they can earn. The Wealth Playbook provides valuable insights and tips in order to grow your wealth over time and put yourself in a better financial position down the track – which is the goal.


Eliminating Jargon

A lot of everyday people seeking financial advice can be intimidated or even put off by the language and jargon that typically goes along with it. Host Andrew Baxter has made an effort throughout his career across many ventures to put the information into words that anyone can understand and apply. The Wealth Playbook offers this exact quality, communicating things in a way that are not only understandable, but also in such a way that means they can be applied by anybody in any stage of their life. It does not matter how much of your wealth journey you are through, there are always different ways to look at things and apply different methods. Cutting past the complex and confusing jargon means that this book is suitable for just about anyone who is interested in increasing their financial outcomes into the future.


The Structure

As the title suggests, the book is designed as a series of different practices and strategies anyone can use to their advantage. Host Andrew Baxter explains that he wanted to provide an overall playbook to be used by anyone of any standing, whether they have any previous financial knowledge or not. This may have started later in life for some than others, and the structure and language used creates a playbook that is useful for anyone of any age. Whether you have already gotten started or do not know where to start, you can pick up the book and get something out of it that will be worth the time of reading it. Noting this, the book covers everything from start to finish, from saving and budgeting all the way to more complex topics like investments and property. With all of the factors working against us and our ability to get ahead, you could find information in this book that can help you to get ahead.


Where to Get a Copy

If you’ve listened to this episode and you’re interested, hop onto thewealthplaybook.com.au and get your order in!